Thursday 16 October 2014


It's been months since I'm drown in the sea of wonders. I don't know what I want or what I need. There is no word that can describe what my mind is thinking and how my heart feels.

To some people I might be a fickle minded, I might be a  person without principal or I might be not a serious person. And to some I might be a trouble maker.Sorry for those who think of me that way. I guess I'm so too use of worked myself out that I forgot that I'm still a human.

I'm lost in these wonders of thoughts as I could not see a hand that I can reach out to.I'm so terrified to think that I all alone. I fear that I will grow old with regret.

As I'm doing the thinking, it triggers me what and why at the first place I have these wonders.I still have no answers and still looking for it.

I hope I can find the answer fast so that I won't be lost and wasting what I should not be missing...

Wednesday 26 March 2014

A New Chapter

Last year has witnessed how I became ill and totally push myself to the edge. I totally forgotten that I am only a human. That actually made me realize how I had also miss some part of my life.

There are times that you will need a break then continue back your journey. It is not wrong to pampered yourself.

This month totally open another new chapter in my life journey. This month I grew older by one year and I've made a decision to move on in carrier wise and other things as well to see the outside world.

In my previous post I've mention how life little details will spice up the life. The new chapter has just begin yet it has heated up.

There will always be drama in life. There's sweet and savoury part in it. It just how you take it. I hope I can stay positive and lead my life to the fullest.

Wednesday 29 January 2014


Life is full of challenges and time flies without you realizing it. Now we had entered the year 2014. It will be another chapter of our life journey.

Life can be complicated and crucial. It also can be fun. It can fills with sad and tears or it can fills with love and joy.It depends on how a person perceived it. 

But...all the little details in it that make your story exciting. 

I hope this year will bring me a great chapter in my life story.