Thursday 16 October 2014


It's been months since I'm drown in the sea of wonders. I don't know what I want or what I need. There is no word that can describe what my mind is thinking and how my heart feels.

To some people I might be a fickle minded, I might be a  person without principal or I might be not a serious person. And to some I might be a trouble maker.Sorry for those who think of me that way. I guess I'm so too use of worked myself out that I forgot that I'm still a human.

I'm lost in these wonders of thoughts as I could not see a hand that I can reach out to.I'm so terrified to think that I all alone. I fear that I will grow old with regret.

As I'm doing the thinking, it triggers me what and why at the first place I have these wonders.I still have no answers and still looking for it.

I hope I can find the answer fast so that I won't be lost and wasting what I should not be missing...