Thursday 8 September 2016

A Stupid Act

It is our human nature to make mistake but the important thing is how strong are you or do you have the guts to admit your wrongdoings. It is always easy to blame others rather than admit it was your mistake.

Situation can be out of hand and it might not go as what you've planned but not everyone understands it. One stupid mistake can cause you a lot. You might lost a friend, family but life is cruel at times and that is what making you stronger and grow mature.

The art of moving on is to forgive and forget. The moment the grunge is still within you it will be the ghost that haunts you till you decide to forgive and forget.

Sometimes you just need to close one eye when someone dear to you did a mistake as you know she or him better. You will know what to do even her or his act might hurt you.

It is not easy to act as easy for us to say I know that. When you learn to let go, you eventually have moved on.

I'll end this entry with the song below.

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